Built up with Sliding Banner to introduce your business scope in the simplest and clearest way. Let the clients understand your business service at a glance with the Main Heading, Simple Description and “Find Out More” Button to let the clients get to know more about your company services.
Business Specialities stating and specifying to let your customers found their needed service directly.
One’s own each a page for the company focal services (Emphasize your Star Services / Products).
Services content type-setting.
Landing page which posting the latest promotion packages offered in the trend with the direct contact to Company Whatsapp to let the clients book their trips immediately.
Package page which allow you to introduce and update any latest promotion packages offered in the trend along with the single package details pages.
In this project, we had also provide the auto-filled travel details for our clients. Which mean that the clients does not need to fill in the details form themselves but just need to click on the button for the services they wishes to get.
Enquiry contact form linked to your company email.
Attractive Call to Action (CTA) section which enable direct contact between client and you with the “Contact Us” Button.
Floating Whatsapp Button and Facebook Messenger Chat room at the bottom of the web page in whole site.