Built up with Sliding Banner to introduce your business scope in the simplest and clearest way. Let the clients understand your business service at a glance with the Main Heading, Simple Description and “Learn More” Button to let the clients get to know more about your company services.
Introduce your company and business and products with the actual photo to show the truthfulness of your business and increase customer trustfulness to your company.
Various product page development according to the differ of product categories.
Product Listing page with searching function, sorting function and pagination.
Single product details page with the product image, product details description and related product.
Including actual working process video and photo in the services page to increase your business truthfulness and clients confidence.
Contact Us page design bring along with the Enquiry contact form linked to your company email and google map location set up.
Attractive Call to Action (CTA) section which enable direct contact between client and you with the “Call Us Now” button and various Social Media linking in the footer.